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I Built an AI Web Page Summarizer Extension to Showcase My Python Skills 

As a programmer and AI enthusiast, I'm always looking for ways to showcase my skills. For my latest project, I built a browser extension called Web Page Summarizer that uses artificial intelligence to summarize webpages. In this post, I'll provide an overview of this extension I created using Python and OpenAI's ChatGPT, along with a deep dive into the code powering it. 

Overview of Web Page Summarizer:

Web Page Summarizer is an extension created to leverage the power of AI for condensing webpages into helpful summaries. It connects to OpenAI's ChatGPT in the background to analyze page content and generate a brief synopsis.

Although ChatGPT itself cannot directly access the live internet, this extension bypasses that limitation. When you click the extension on any webpage, it scrapes the content and ships it to ChatGPT. ChatGPT reads through the information and returns a summary back to the extension for display.

This allows ChatGPT's natural language processing skills to be applied to current webpages, despite restrictions on the AI system itself. The extension makes the most of ChatGPT's ability to parse language and identify critical information.

Benefits of Web Page Summarizer:

The Web Page Summarizer delivers a few key benefits:

The extension helps you filter through today's web overload and zero in on just the core useful info from pages. It acts as your own personal AI reading assistant.

About the Web Page Summarizer Extension:

Web Page Summarizer is a browser extension that allows you to get condensed summaries of any webpage content. It works by scraping the text of a page and sending it to ChatGPT, OpenAI's advanced natural language model. ChatGPT analyzes the text and generates a brief abstractive summary. This gets passed back and displayed in the browser via the extension.

The key innovation here is that ChatGPT itself cannot directly access the live internet. My extension bypasses that limitation by fetching the page content and relaying it to ChatGPT behind the scenes. This unlocks ChatGPT's summarization abilities for current webpages.

Diving Into the Code Behind the Extension:

As a software engineer, the coding aspect of this project allows me to showcase skills in:

The extension uses a popup modal interface built with HTML and CSS. JavaScript code handles the logic of scraping the page text, calling the OpenAI API to interface with ChatGPT, and displaying the summary.

Python comes into play for tasks like cleaning the extracted text before sending it to ChatGPT. I call my Python code from JavaScript using a library. This powers the core NLP behind the scenes.


With the Web Page Summarizer extension, I was able to demonstrate proficiency in areas like leveraging AI APIs, browser extension development, and connecting JavaScript frontends to Python backends. Projects like this showcase my programming abilities in an engaging, practical way.

Let me know if you would like me to expand or modify this overview of the Web Page Summarizer extension and the coding behind it in any way. I'm happy to tailor it further to demonstrate my skills as a developer.