Dynamic Mock Web Application

Unveiling the Tech Behind a Dynamic Mock Web Application

In today's technologically empowered landscape, web applications have become an integral part of our lives. Let's delve into the underlying mechanisms of a simple, dynamic mock web application we've built, simulating a user-specific task management system using the synergy of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON.

JSON: The Backbone of Data Storage

In the absence of a database, a simple yet powerful data format comes to our rescue - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). It provides an easy way to store and exchange data. We utilize the browser's local storage capability and JSON format to mimic a database for storing user registration data.

When a user registers, the form data is converted into a JavaScript object. This object is then transformed into a JSON string using JSON.stringify() before saving it to local storage. We retrieve this JSON string using localStorage.getItem() and convert it back into a JavaScript object when needed.

User Authentication: An Interplay Between HTML and JavaScript

For the user login, we retrieve the user details from local storage, parsing the JSON string into a JavaScript object. The entered login credentials are then contrastively checked against these user details.


Showing HTML Code for Form

UI for mock application and registration

User interface for forms.

This check simulates a fundamental feature of applications - user authentication. If the credentials match, the user logs in successfully and is redirected to their respective dashboard based on user type, demonstrating conditional rendering in JavaScript.

Fostering User Interaction with HTML Forms and DOM Manipulation

Once users are logged in, they land on their respective dashboards where they can create tasks. We use HTML forms for task input, enhancing interactivity.

HTML Code for Tasks

adding functionality for creating custom task per user. Demonstrating in individualized user paths.

Claimant Task UI

After user logs in they can add a task to their respective dashboard demonstrating the ability to add, and retrieve data via json to localized database.

Upon task submission, JavaScript takes center stage manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM). A new list item is crafted for the task, and appended to the user-specific unordered list, thereby updating the webpage content in real-time.

This real-time manipulation is a key feature of dynamic web applications, aiming to provide a seamless user experience by eliminating the need for page reloads whenever the underlying data changes.

Concluding Thoughts

Through HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON, we've managed to build a dynamic web application from scratch. Key features include form handling, data storage and retrieval, user-authentication, conditional rendering, and real-time content modification - fundamental elements in the world of web development.

Future enhancements of this project could encompass persisting data across sessions, employing secure practices for password handling, and amplifying the visual appeal through responsive design.

This application is a testament to how we can create meaningful, interactive web applications using core web development technologies, and serves as a stepping stone towards more complex applications in our development journey. 

Mock Application

This is a simple mock application demonstrating user registration, login, and task creation capabilities using pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The app supports two types of users - Claimants and Law Firms - each with their own dedicated user interface and task lists.

Project Structure

The project consists of a single HTML page (index.html) linked with a CSS file for styling (css/style.css) and a JavaScript file (js/main.js) for functionality.


Running the Project

Limitations and Next Steps

This is a simple mock application and does not include server-side processing or database storage. All data is stored in local storage and will be lost once the local storage is cleared. Password security and user session management are not within the scope of this project. This serves to demonstrate the basic working of a web application in the client-side.

Future Improvements


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!


This project is MIT licensed.